Spring has been loaded with holiday ramblings and changeable weather.
We spent most of the school holidays at home where we cooked a special breakfast for Ariel in our “Home Cafe”(see above),played lego, attended a wedding and saw friends and cousins.
The kids and I spent 2 days in Canberra visiting my Grandad, my brother and some tourist sites.
Ariel stayed in Sydney with an overnight carer booked for our one night away. He slept well that night because it was so quiet!
For Prayer:
Thank God for some nice memories and rest in the school holidays.
Pray for Ariel’s endurance. He works his body to its maximum and sometimes this strengthens him, but sometimes it fatigues him. Pray for wisdom in pacing his activities.
Pray for Ariel’s parents who have moved back to their home in Granville and are managing with home services. It’s not easy with their fragile health, but they are happy to be home.
“The Israelites sampled their provisions…but did not inquire of the Lord” Joshua 9:14
Ariel pointed out in the sermon this morning that this was Israel’s great mistake, not inquiring of the Lord before doing something.
This week we feel challenged to inquire of the Lord – to pray to Him about all things.