These are the bodyguards of Ariel’s life – an elbow crutch to stand & walk and a pressure cushion to sit on wherever he goes. We are grateful for the helpfulness of the right equipment and for the medical services that they symbolise. The right equipment really does guard his body.
I am often a bodyguard too – a companion over rough terrain or when hands are needed for a task.
We are grateful for the team of people at church who are around to accompany Ariel on stairs and in their cars to some of his meetings. What a gift!
For Prayer:
For wisdom in decision making for Ariels parents, who have almost finished their respite in Ashfield. They will need to consider their medical/financial/housing needs for the future.
Thanks for some small strength improvements in Ariel’s left hand this week.
Thanks for the helpers/bodyguards in our lives.
For spiritual encouragement for Ariel and for the whole family to be guarded from spiritual discouragement or hardship.
“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” Matthew 28:20
Jesus – the ultimate bodyguard