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There has been a little more “rest” for our family this month.

Ariel’s Mum has moved to short-term respite/rest in a room next to his Dad!

They are enjoying sitting together in the dining room for their meals and sharing “yerba mate”, a South American tea-like drink. They both have access to 24 hour nursing care which we really appreciate.

The children are on school holidays. A “rest” from routine which we all appreciate.

Ariel has been busy with meeting people, preparing sermons and devotions and praying for our church –  not so much rest for him :).

For Pray-ers:

Please pray for Ariel’s neuropathic pain levels to settle.

Pray for a balanced holiday – right amounts of rest and play.

Thank God for Ariel’s Physiotherapist, Adrian who visited yesterday and is always wise & helpful.

Thank God for heaters, houses and healthy meals – real privileges in our lives.


“This is what the Lords says,

Stand at the crossroads and look;

ask for the ancient paths,

ask where the good way is, and walk in it,

and you will find rest for your souls….”

Jeremiah 6:16





Kirsty Written by: