
We have had a few changes in the family “nest” this past month…

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Ariel’s father, Peter has been transferred to Ashfield for some respite (2km from our house).

He was very unwell but is stable at present and resting well.

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This garden and fishpond is outside his door!

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Ariel’s mother, Sophie is unable to live alone due to forgetfulness so she has been staying in our “nest” this month while Peter is away.



Our little “birds” are adapting to another change in life and to the uncertainty of their grandparent’s health.

photo 1

These are the birds that sit in our neighbours tree every day.

Whenever I step outside to take a deep breath, I look at them realise that despite their flights of freedom, they too are dependent on God’s care and take some moments to rest.

Its nice hearing them chirp.

For prayer:

For Ariel as he spends large amounts of energy organising his parents affairs while they are unwell and for me who does the running about for them.

For Ariels parents to have peace, rest and good care.

For Ariel’s stable health to continue especially in the cold weather.

For “rest” in our nest.

Thank God for our 20 years of marriage tomorrow!


“Look at the birds of the air;

they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,

and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not much more valuable than they?

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Matthew 6:26-27





Kirsty Written by: