A Sequel

Ariel and I went to the movies this week. We saw a “sequel”.

It was actually the 6th instalment of the Mission Impossible series!

In a case of art echoing life – we have announced to many people our next “sequel” too.

At church on Sunday 29th July, we announced to our beloved friends at WSCCC that we would be finishing work there at the end of this year. It’s been a very hard decision to make but we are at peace that after work pressure building, it’s time for Ariel to have a break.

We also announced our plan to move out of Sydney over the Summer and relocate to Bega on the south coast of NSW where Kirsty’s parents live. (The Bega River is pictured below).

Obviously, this is going to mean lots of changes and goodbyes. It also means that we need to get a few things organised that are only available in the city – like Ariel obtaining a modified car and drivers licence.

For Prayer:

For a healthy last 5 months at WSCCC and for a wonderful pastor to replace Ariel

For wisdom in the many decisions we need to make, including the care of Ariel’s mother

For the children to have a healthy preparation for change and a kind transition

For us to continue to actively trust the God who has always cared for us.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,

in all your ways submit to Him and he will make your paths straight”

Proverbs 3:5-6


We read this verse to the kids on the day we told them our news.

They are happily surprised, but still processing the sad parts of moving.






Kirsty Written by: