
We were able to attend a screening of the movie “Wonder” recently.

It’s a story close to our hearts because it deals with the adjustment of a child with a facial difference into mainstream school.

Transition into a world that may not be kind about your differences, is hard.

It also tells the individual stories of the family and friends who surround this boy – all of them struggling in some way.

It echoed our life and faith.

The imperfections since Eden are hard to bear some days.

It also causes me to reflect on the wonder of Jesus, who loves us as we are and gives us new life when we believe in him.


So, in our home we are starting to celebrate that great moment when God came to Earth to rescue us.

…and we celebrate yet again with a nativity that includes Star Wars Lego!


For Prayer:

Thank you for an initial driving assessment Ariel had recently, which is looking promising for driving a modified car.

Thank you for the wonderful words of the Psalms which Ariel is currently preaching on

Pray that we’ll concentrate on the wonder of Jesus this Christmas


“The Messiah the earth cried for

now cries to be held by Mary

and will soon cry in torment of the cross of salvation.

He came to suffer because he came to save.

The angels sang because finally hope had come.”

Paul David Tripp ” Come Let Us Adore Him- A daily advent devotional”



Kirsty Written by: