This week….
We have had a week of hanging out together in the gym.
Plus the kids and I have had some holiday outings.
Here is Alice – who is keen to be the Physio….
Luka who is keen to be a mini – Dad
Keira the ever keen sportswoman and Lara the keen nurturer
Our new case manager, Physio and OT all have a particular interest and experience in Ariel’s type of injury (central cord) – We were very encouraged by God’s care in these little details. They will commence after we leave rehab.
Ariel came home for Anzac Day and on Saturday – so we had some home time twice this week.
The trunk muscle spasms and leg strength have improved a little.
For Ariel to continue to be salt and light even on the hard days.
For ongoing progress with hand movement (which is slow).
We still don’t have a certain date for Ariel’s discharge from Rehab.
He will probably have to go to interim accommadation while we wait for the house modifications.
In God we trust