Home News

It was nice to celebrate Ariel’s mother’s birthday at our house in Saturday and to continue to have more
“normal” family events at home.
An Occupational Therapist visited our home last week and we have started interviewing nursing agencies to
decide which one will help us when Ariel comes home.
Rehab News
Ariel walked in parallel bars for the first time on Friday! He managed 4 laps holding the rails on his own.
His legs continue to have spasticity so the steps are “bouncy” but he managed on his own!
The weights used on his arm exercises are now 4kg each.
He slowly tipped some water from a water jug into a cup on Saturday.
Prayer News
Please thank God for our wonderful Social Worker, Kate who is perceptive and hard working.
It would be great if house modifications were done efficiently and quickly (even though its normally slow)!
Please pray for Alice who is finding school drop off difficult , even though she enjoys the rest of the school day.
Thanks be to God who deserves our thanks and attention in the now and not yet.