Yesterday we traveled to Canberra for the day to celebrate my grandfather’s 100th birthday. My mum’s father has invested a lot of time in people in his life. He has had hundreds of cups of tea with hundreds of people and consequently, many people came to celebrate with him yesterday.
It made us think again that a life that is well-lived invests in relationships with people and with God.
Grandad as a baby surrounded by family Grandad’s 100th surrounded by family
We also enjoyed Grandad’s quote in the Canberra Times yesterday, “I’ve stopped buying green bananas”. It tells us he lives one day at a time.
It echoes Psalm 90 which tells us all, “teach us to number our days, that we might have wise hearts”.
These have been good thoughts since Ariel had a nasty fall at home 5 days ago requiring an ambulance and 9 stitches in the forehead. We didn’t “do” much that day – but we did invest in people, pray to our God, speak about our God and number our days.
Psalm 90:12
“Teach us to number our days, that we might gain a heart of wisdom”
For those who pray:
- Thank God for Grandad who loves God and loves people
- Thank God for quick medical service when Ariel fell at home
- Pray for our family to live one day at a time trusting in God’s sovereignty
- Pray for us to transition well as we approach 100 days in our new place
With Love Kirsty