Two for Tea

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Ariel’s mother, Sophie is staying with us while his father is in hospital.

Here she is having morning tea with Luka.

We are taking life one day at a time and drinking lots of tea (and coffee) this week!

We are excited that over Summer, Ariel slowly picked up the silver communion goblet on his own for the first timeĀ (an ecclesiastical rehab gain)!

For prayer:

For Ariel’s father Peter to be well managed for his pneumonia, cardiac and cancer issues.

For Sophie to feel peaceful during her short term stay in our home.

For Ariel who has a small infection requiring antibiotics and a sermon “brewing” for Sunday.

For me to have the right balance of compassion, work and rest (to SIT and drink more cups of tea!).

For the kids and all of us to be wowed by Jesus.

“Two are better than one,

because they have a good return for their labour:

If they fall down,

they can help each other up.

But pity those who fall

and have no one to help them up”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This popped up in my reading this week :).

Kirsty xx

Kirsty Written by: