A Guest Appearance

Another big weekend for our family.

Our church held a combined church service for its 35th anniversary at a school in Croydon.

The location was 4 houses away from our house!

So we went!

And so, Ariel made his first appearance at WSCCC since his accident over a year ago.



It took a 6am start to get to this stage at 9am!

It was a real blessing for him to see over 500 people in the church family again.

(I did have to revive him with jelly beans that afternoon though!)


For those who pray:

Thank God for this opportunity to see church family.

Thank God for better health this week.

Please pray for the children who are all “end of year tired” .

Pray for their Mum and Dad who are “end of year tired” too!


“The Lord is my Shepherd and so I lack nothing”

Psalm 23




Kirsty Written by: