Ariel found out this week that he is able to sleep on an ordinary foam mattress!
(Until now he has been using a medical “air” mattress requiring a pump) – its another “small but big” moment.
He had a small elective operation at Royal North Shore on Friday so he will have a slower week in the gym while he recovers.
Peaceful sleep has returned once again due to a successful new CPAP mask. Sleep is good! Praise God.
Being a minister of God in a place where others are often very angry with God requires much wisdom and compassion.
Thanks to the many who pray, visit, offer kindness, speak good words, smile and even clean!

Alice has turned 5 (on February 29th) and enjoyed seeing her Dad on her birthday and celebrating with a fairy cake and friends.
We have had nice family visits – always punctuated by medicine and nursing care – but nice.

The children are doing quite well with expressing their feelings and managing the balance between the 2 worlds of hospital and home.
But Luka who is 2 1/2 Â continues to point out men who are riding motorbikes in traffic and says “There’s Daddy”.
Please pray for us to deal with these little heartbreaking moments with grace and truth and for his understanding to blossom.
Some days are really hard so your prayers mean alot.
2 Corinthians 12:9a
But he said to me “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made is made perfect in weakness”