Dear all,
Ariel is very thankful that he is finally sleeping well. His sleep has been very poor until Saturday when his body finally ‘crashed’ and he slept well day and night. A big help to this has been an improvement in his breathing, as the blood clots in his lungs seem to have dissolved away. He was looking better today for his good rest.
This Wednesday 19th some of us from WSCCC are setting aside time alone to specifically pray for Ariel. You might like to join us and make it a ‘pray for Ariel day’. You could get up early, pray as a family at the dinner table, fast etc.
Ariel mentioned today that Psalm 103 has been helpful to him. It speaks of our eternal God’s compassion and love for those who fear him; of our frailty yet the LORD’s Kingly power and rule. He suggested it as a guide to prayer, so perhaps you could read it on Wednesday?
Other prayer points:
- For the kids as they adjust to Dad not being around. A social worker has been giving Kirsty good advice in how to help them come to terms with their immobile Dad.
- Energy for Kirsty, her mother Pam and other ‘carers’.
- For restoration of full movement and feeling to Ariel’s arms and legs.
- Give thanks for the many rallying around this family in prayer. It is great to be Christian!
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. (Psa 103:13-14 NIV)
Grace and peace, Mark