We are grateful to God that Ariel could slowly step back into the pulpit last Sunday!
He said that he needs to increase the speed on his treadmill to build up his stamina for talking for 20 minutes straight!
Thank you to all who prayed – this is the first of a semi regular series on the parables of Jesus, which will be interspersed in the ongoing a sermon series by Keith and Andrew.
Like all of the tasks that Ariel has returned to, it takes energy and patience and the first time is the hardest!
We are so grateful that he could preach faithfully from Luke 8!
Please pray that the acupuncture Ariel started this week will be beneficial with spasticity and hand function.
Please also pray for our family’s recovery from a nasty Winter cold.
Ariel was the last one in our family to catch the cold and it kept him home from church today.
“But the seed on the good soil stands for
those with a noble and good heart, who
hear the word,
retain it,
and by persevering produce a crop”
Luke 8:15