Another couple of moments we are grateful for….
A wrestle in the lounge room – Luka wins at 3 years of age – but it is still a wrestle!
A park on Saturday.
The kids are getting used to walking very slowly with their Dad & anticipating his occasional falls.
While Ariel has been able to do stairs on a good day, they are extremely unsafe on a bad day.
Please pray that the bone growth in his hip (heterotopic ossification) will respond to medication.
This should improve pain and lead to less jerky muscle spasms.
Less crazy muscle spasms = less falls (something that happens about once a week at home).
Please pray that he will “fall well” when he does, so that no injuries are added to the list!
“To him who is able to keep you from stumbling
and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy –
to the only God our saviour be ……
glory, majesty, power and authority,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!
Jude 24-25
Our “stumbles” and “falls” are not just physical.
Hooray to the God that saves.