The Man
Ariel continues to work hard on walking a lap of the building with his frame each day.
Increased amounts of hand therapy has been great – he can lift light mugs to his mouth to drink and use a normal fork.
The left hand remains much weaker than the right and his shoulders have very limited range.
The Builder
Our builder visited our house this week- with a pen not a hammer – to sign building contracts.
The hammers should arrive in the next 2 weeks! Praise God.
The Family
We continue to enjoy Ariel’s Saturday home visits – a bit like the lovely old “Sunday Roast” or Yum cha tradition.
We thank God that Luka is understanding and expressing more as he ages ( he was only 2 when the accident happened).

The girls are looking forward to school holidays (and so is their Mum)!
We continue to be astonished by God’s grace in the small things.
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26