The West Wing

The West Wing

Did you know that Ariel is living in the West Wing?

We know lots of people who like the American TV show with the same name, so we thought they would enjoy the photo 🙂

6 months!

On Thursday we “celebrated” 6 months since Ariel’s accident.

It was a good excuse for an excellent coffee and Portuguese custard tarts from the cafe down the road.

We are thankful to God for how far we have come and are very aware of the long road ahead.

For Thanks:

Relationships in the Spinal unit have been a little easier this week – in fact they improved the day after the last update

so thanks to all who prayed!

Ariel has had some more small movements in his fingers and he is playing with an adapted chess board in Occupational Therapy.

He lifted a coffee mug with 2 hands on Saturday, using a straw to drink.

He will be doing more work on his standing and walking this week.

Children of the West Wing
Children of the West Wing

For Prayer:

There is alot of organising to do in preparation for Ariel’s return home and multiple agencies are involved.

– Please pray for efficiency and energy for all involved in that process (especially me)!

Pray for Ariel’s family. It is a heartache for him that he is unable to assist his parents who are dealing

with some extra health issues at the moment.

Pray for meaningful conversations within our family – words within a time limit are our main way of relating at the moment.

Thanks again for your love and care – and for the God who is there.






Kirsty Written by: